Be it casual reunions with friends or occasional family unit gatherings, a plate of delicious and appetizing BBQ Chicken never disappoints. Preparing a barbecue dish may seem a chore, merely in reality, it is quite easy to brand.

Moreover, you don't need to wait for BBQ sauce in the markets because you can brand it right at habitation.

And so sit back, relax and enjoy the read of the delicious recipe! Ready for a fun cookery session? So are we!

What Is BBQ Craven?

BBQ Chicken or Barbeque craven is craven that is cooked over a barbeque.

Cuts of meat like thighs, drumsticks, or even whole chickens are normally used while barbequing. Wondering why these specific cuts are used? Because they're usually bone-in pieces are well-suited to the heat of a barbecue. They take a bit longer to cook compared to chicken breasts that are more prone to drying out on the charcoal-broil simply because they cook so fast.

How Long Does It Take To Barbeque Chicken?

This honestly depends on the kind of cuts y'all are barbequing.

Cuts similar chicken breasts, thighs, shoulders, and leg take about 30-40 minutes to melt over indirect heat on a low flame.

However, if you are barbequing a whole chicken, it would accept up to 25 minutes to thoroughly melt over indirect estrus on a low flame. Get fresh, tender craven from Licious for that perfect BBQ craven.

What Essential Equipment Do You Need For A BBQ?

Hither is a quick checklist of the equipment you'll demand for a kickass charcoal-broil.

  • Grill
  • Charcoal
  • Chimney Starter
  • A elementary toolkit
  • Apron (preferably leather and then it won't catch burn)
  • Barbecue Skewers
  • Silicon brush for basting

Impress Recipe

Barbeque Chicken Recipe with Homemade Barbeque Sauce


  1. In a saucepan, rut oil over medium heat and add the chopped onion. Sauté until it turns soft then add together brown sugar, ketchup, basis mustard, garlic powder, pepper, pepper sauce, lemon juice, salt, and h2o.

  2. Mix well and bring it to a boil. Reduce the heat and let the sauce simmer uncovered for ten minutes.

  3. Rub the craven breasts with oil, and then flavour them with freshly ground pepper and kosher salt.

  4. Place the seasoned craven on the hot grill and cover with a lid. Cook for near iv-v minutes on each side.

  5. Open up the lid and baste the chicken breasts with the prepared sauce. Flip the craven and utilise the dressing on the other side.

  6. Cook for another 6-8 minutes on both sides or until the chicken becomes opaque and firm.

  7. Transfer the chicken onto a plate and cover information technology with aluminum foil. Let it rest for about 5-6 minutes. This will brand the craven juicier.